Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is First Amendment Right; Wrong?

With the opening of the new Supreme Court session, there has been a lot of hoopla over the case of Snyder vs Phelps.  This seems to be the next pivotal case in the fight for First Amendment protections.  The case pits Rev. Fred Phelps and the members of his church, the Westboro Baptist church, and the family of Lance Cpl Mathew Snyder.  Lance Cpl Snyder was a Marine that was killed on active duty while serving his country.  Rev. Phelps and his followers are anti-gay protesters and protest against the military for allowing gays to serve.  The Reverend and his followers saw in the media when and where Lance Cpl. Snyder's funeral was to be held.  They proceeded to protest at the funeral.

I hate to say this, even as reprehensible as I find it,  Rev. Phelps and his followers are protected by the First Amendment.  I believe we enter a very dangerous situation if we start undo censorship.  What would be censored next.  This Blog.  The Pledge of Allegiance. God bless America. It reminds me of the bumper sticker, What Would Jesus Do?  I don't think he would protest in front of a funeral of a HERO with signs that read,"Thank God For Dead Soldiers"," Fag Troops", or "Pope In Hell".

We are free here in America and have many inalienable rights.  The fact that we have a right to do something does not mean we should go out and do it. That's why we brains and common sense.  I will add that  I believe Congress should pass a law that gives a right to the Snyder family to go out and beat the s**t out of the good Reverend and his sorry followers.  A little bit of good ol AMERICAN JUSTICE.  Nuff said.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Conserve Our Future.

We are very fortunate to live in these United States of America.  A place where we have an abundance of freedoms and chooses. A place that we can be anything that we aspire to be. I lived outside of the U.S. for several years and really got an eye full of what this country could become if we don't work together.  A lot of freedoms that were not really free.  A lot of other people telling you what to do and what you should become. Very little opportunity for education, medical care, work, and opportunities to advance at work if you were lucky enough to have a job.

What I mean when I say "Conserve Our Future", is I believe that this country is being pushed in a way that is hurting the achievement of a great future.  As you may have guessed, I am in deed a conservative Republican. It is worrying me that the current administration continues to pass stimulus packages that are making our national debt skyrocket. Obamacare is going to bankrupt the government if it is left to stand as it was passed. A second recession is a great possibility, and the liberals want to let the Bush tax cuts go by the wayside.  They don't call it a tax increase, but when my tax bill goes up, I call it a tax increase.  I believe that the economy is to weak at this point to put a greater burden on any Americans.

So to keep this country as the greatest country on earth, we conservatives have to work hard to may sure that we are heard.  We have to Blog.  We have to write letters to the editor of our local newspapers.  We have to let our elected officials know where we stand.  Most importantly, we have to let our voices be heard by voting.  Voting is one of our most important rights we have.

Don't let our future go the way of the dinosaurs;
Conserve Our Future.